Add duration parsing to core.time?

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Tue Aug 20 12:35:20 PDT 2013

On Tuesday, August 20, 2013 17:57:19 Justin Whear wrote:
> While working on a configuration file parser, I found myself trying to
> decide which units to use for various time variables (e.g.
> `expireInterval`) which is silly because we have an excellent Duration
> structure in core.time. I was pleased to discover that Duration has a
> toString method which prints a nice, human-readable description.
> Unfortunately, there appears to be no corresponding parse method. Turns
> out that it's surprisingly easy to write thanks to the existing
> functionality in std.conv:
> It appears that DPaste stumbles over the unicode 'μs' in the units enum,
> so here's a test invocation and output:
> $ dmd -unittest test_duration.d && ./test_duration '12 hours, 30 minutes'
> '1w2d20m12h5m2s'
> 12 hours and 30 minutes
> 1 week, 2 days, 12 hours, 25 minutes, and 2 secs
> I've made the implementation more flexible than simply parsing the very
> standard output of Duration.toString by adding more unit synonyms and
> making whitespace, commas, and 'and' optional. All this really requires
> is a sequence of digits followed by a unit name, possibly repeating;
> leading to the very compact form used in '1w2d20m12h5m2s'.
> All validation is performed by the two calls to std.conv.parse, so
> invalid strings should fail (e.g. 'four madeupunits').
> One possible improvement is to support written-out numbers such as
> "seven" and "forty-two", but I suspect this would entail a much more
> involved implementation.
> Thoughts on including something like this core.time? My thought is that
> Duration could have a `this(string)` with a non-consuming version of this
> function for automatic to! support in addition to providing parse.

If such a function were added, it would be fromString on Duration, and it 
would accept the exact format that toString uses (and only that format). 
Anything more complicated would have to be part of a functionality relating to 
user-defined format strings, which I haven't finished yet. That'll probably end 
up in std.datetime.format at some point after I've finished splitting 

- Jonathan M Davis

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