s/type tuple/template pack/g please

David Nadlinger code at klickverbot.at
Wed Aug 21 11:16:55 PDT 2013

On Wednesday, 21 August 2013 at 17:53:21 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> So: shall we use "template pack" going forward exclusively 
> whenever we refer to that stuff?

Yes, we need do do something about this, and the sooner, the 

However, I am not particularly happy with the name "template 
pack", for two reasons:

  a) To me, the name suggests that a "template pack" would consist 
of templates. In this regard, I'd prefer "parameter pack", which 
also seems to catch on in the C++ community for the (almost, but 
not entirely dis-)similar C++11 construct.

  b) "Pack" is somewhat unintuitive for an entity that is 
automatically unpacked in many contexts. For example, 
std.typetuple (internally) defines a "Pack" template that is used 
precisely for avoiding that intrinsic property of argument lists.

Personally, I like using "Seq" as the name for the constructor 
template, as do a few other of the GitHub/NG regulars, so maybe 
"(parameter/variadic/…) sequence" would be an alternative worth 

In any case, I'd be fine with almost any color for the bike shed, 
as long as it is not the current one. ;)


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