Invariants are useless the way they are defined

Davidson Corry davidsoncorry at
Mon Aug 26 00:20:55 PDT 2013

On Monday, 26 August 2013 at 06:14:02 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> On 08/25/2013 05:16 AM, deadalnix wrote:
> > The problem is that invariant are checked at the 
> > beginning/end on public function calls. As a consequence, it 
> > is impossible to use any public
> > method in an invariant.
> That's a very interesting observation. Could the solution be 
> running the invariant only once, at the outermost public 
> function call? Hm... It would have to be a runtime feature 
> then, right? Every public function would have calls to the 
> invariant but those calls would have to be elided at runtime. I 
> think...
> Here is another interesting observation: It is acceptable and 
> quite normal that the object is in limbo state during a public 
> member function. As a consequence, any function that operates 
> on the object must use the object in a write-only fashion 
> during that time frame. This is true even for non-member 
> functions that the object is passed to. So, in theory, even a 
> logging function cannot use the object. Hm...

If you will indulge a D newbie, lurker and former Eiffelist:

In design-by-contract theory, the invariant is part of the 
definition of a user-defined type. If type T has an invariant, an 
object t of that type is not a "real T" if it does not meet the 
invariant while publicly accessible (that is, while it is not in 
the hands of a member function of class T).

For instance, the purpose of the constructor is to establish the 
invariant -- some Eiffelists argue that this is the *sole* 
purpose of the constructor, and that constructors which perform 
initialization beyond that are overstepping their bounds.

For another point, T t should be capable of being tested for its 
invariant (and passing that test) anywhere and at any time it is 
publicly accessible. It is only a matter of convenience that 
implementations test the invariant at entry to and exit from 
public member functions of class T. That convenience relies on 
the guarantee that *only* T member functions can be allowed to 
modify the state of object t -- all other operations in the 
program must treat t as const (and can, of course, *rely* on t 
being const)... which, in turn, has all kinds of implications 
about what you can safely make public about a T object.

All of this has implications for D's contract guarantees. For 
instance, you may not design an invariant that fails on T.init 
(which is the state of t after you call t.clear() ). In other 
words, D's object model doesn't necessarily match strict DbC 
theory. And Jonathon Davis's notion of a t that "isn't really a 
T" but should be acceptable by T.opAssign() also falls outside 
the theory.

Offhand, I can think of two approaches that might address these 
desires without too badly weakening the invariant's guarantee:

+ attach an internal "depth gauge" to each T t. At entry to any 
public T member function, the depth gauge is incremented; at 
exit, decremented. Invariant is tested *only* when the depth 
gauge transitions from or to zero: that is, at its transition 
from "surfaced" (public) to "submerged" (in the hands of T class 
functions) or vice-versa. This would allow the implementation to 
elide any invariant tests while T member functions call other 
functions, even functions that are themselves public T member 

* an attribute which tags a public T function as accepting 
"broken Ts". Such a function would be expected to establish the 
invariant in the object, and test that invariant, at exit, but 
would *not* test the invariant at entry.

These two overlap but not entirely, and I'm still thinking about 
whether you would want both, or just one or the other. As I say, 
this is off the top of my head.

I hope I have contributed a useful notion, and not just muddied 
the waters. Thanks for listening.

-- Dai

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