DIP45: fixing the dllimport/dllexport issue

Martin Nowak code at dawg.eu
Fri Aug 30 05:50:32 PDT 2013

On 08/30/2013 08:20 AM, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
> It's a bit easier to see the code by adding debug symbols and using
> dumpbin /disasm main.exe.
> Unfortnately, this won't help us a lot, because the intermediate object
> files have some unknown format and in fact are just transferring some
> code representation to the linker that then invokes the compiler and
> optimizer on the full source code. This is very specific to the C/C++
> toolchain and I don't think we can take advantage of it.

This is sadly true for the dmd->COFF->VC link toolchain.
But we'll likely see this from GDC or LDC in the future.
Despite that I don't think this is a huge performance issue at all
we could put all the import data pointers in one section so that they 
are all packed and allow efficient use of the CPU cache.

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