How do you deal with scoped allocations?

John Colvin john.loughran.colvin at
Mon Dec 9 01:13:19 PST 2013

On Sunday, 8 December 2013 at 19:00:29 UTC, Namespace wrote:
>  > Just using new and would be fine, but there is 
> really no
>  > need to burden the GC with this at all; it's a textbook case 
> for
>  > C's malloc/free.
> The GC relies also on malloc / free.

Yes, it does. However, obviously it does a lot more than just 
call malloc/free.

If you statically know the lifetime of a chunk of memory, then 
there really is no point invoking all that extra heavyweight 
code* when you can just DIY at no extra cost.**

*and adding to the collection burden (if triggered while the 
memory is in scope)

**However, take care with unique pointers from inside the 
allocated block to resources outside the block, as the GC might 
not be able to find them later (see P.S.).

P.S. does anyone know how the GC interacts with 
I.e. if you free a pointer, but don't null the pointer, 
presumably the GC will still scan the memory despite it being 
freed. Isn't this undefined behaviour?

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