Could someone kindly what's wrong with my Visual D?

Siavash Babaei siavash.babaei at
Wed Dec 11 06:45:47 PST 2013

Command Line

set PATH=D:\DLang\dmd2\windows\\bin;C:\Program Files 
(x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\\\bin;%PATH%
dmd -g -debug -X -Xf"Debug DMD Win32\Hello.json" -deps="Debug DMD 
Win32\Hello.dep" -c -of"Debug DMD Win32\Hello.obj" main.d
if errorlevel 1 goto reportError

set LIB="D:\DLang\dmd2\windows\bin\..\lib"
echo. > 
echo "Debug DMD Win32\Hello.obj","Debug DMD 
Win32\Hello.exe_cv","Debug DMD Win32\",user32.lib+ >> 
echo kernel32.lib/NOMAP/CO/NOI >> 

"d:\Program Files (x86)\VisualD\pipedmd.exe" -deps "Debug DMD 
Win32\Hello.lnkdep" D:\DLang\dmd2\windows\bin\link.exe 
if errorlevel 1 goto reportError
if not exist "Debug DMD Win32\Hello.exe_cv" (echo "Debug DMD 
Win32\Hello.exe_cv" not created! && goto reportError)
echo Converting debug information...
"d:\Program Files (x86)\VisualD\cv2pdb\cv2pdb.exe" "Debug DMD 
Win32\Hello.exe_cv" "Debug DMD Win32\Hello.exe"
if errorlevel 1 goto reportError
if not exist "Debug DMD Win32\Hello.exe" (echo "Debug DMD 
Win32\Hello.exe" not created! && goto reportError)

goto noError

echo Building Debug DMD Win32\Hello.exe failed!


Converting debug information...
D:\SkyDrive\Documents\Visual Studio 
2013\Projects\D\Studies\Hello\Hello\Debug DMD Win32\Hello.pdb: 
cannot add symbols to module, probably msobj80.dll missing
Building Debug DMD Win32\Hello.exe failed!

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