between and among: worth Phobosization?

Chris Cain clcain at
Tue Dec 17 17:53:19 PST 2013

On Wednesday, 18 December 2013 at 01:27:37 UTC, Chris Cain wrote:
> Just to step up your idea to something a bit closer to complete 
> (still have not thrown it into a compiler or anything yet):

Thinking about this a bit more, it might also be really cool if 
the way to make an Interval was using an IntervalBuilder or 
something of the like (as opposed to the current constructor that 
takes a "shape" template parameter). Then it'd be natural to have 
intervals without certain bounds being constructed (you'd just 
not specify the lowerbound while building it).

Of course, then it'd be almost completely unique in phobos since 
nothing else uses the builder pattern. That may or may not be an 

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