Possible @property compromise

TommiT tommitissari at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 1 23:09:59 PST 2013

On Saturday, 2 February 2013 at 03:50:49 UTC, Zach the Mystic 
> [..]

Then, if we used your proposed nested structs to implement 
properties, pretty weird things like this would become possible:

struct A
   int _value;

   struct B
     int get() { return _value; }
     alias this = get;

     void opAssign(int v) { _value = v; }

   B length;

void func(T)(ref A a, T oldLength)
   a.length = 100;
   // Trying to restore 'a' back to the old length:
   a.length = oldLength;

void main()
   A a;
   a.length = 5;
   func(a, a.length);
   assert(a.length == 100);

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