Using memberspaces for a property-like syntax and more

Rob T alanb at
Sat Feb 2 13:12:35 PST 2013

On Saturday, 2 February 2013 at 16:15:43 UTC, TommiT wrote:
> Also, let's not miss the fact, that this proposal isn't really 
> about properties anymore. It's about being able to divide your 
> interface into multiple logical sections. It just so happens to 
> be that this ability lends itself pretty nicely to implementing 
> something that *looks* like a property.

I agree. The previous property proposals suffer from being very 
specialized and not much of a useful extension to the language. 
We don't even need properties and one of the main goals, which is 
variable emulation is not even possible to implement so the best 
we'll get is partial emulation which prevents properties from 
being used as a drop in replacement for variables.

If we can emulate properties (with the limitations that 
properties must have), with a general extension such as 
namespaces, then we're far better off. If we can use the 
namespace concept and implement properties in Phobos, then it 
shows that the concept is really useful and generalized enough 
for implementing other solutions besides only properties.


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