Using memberspaces for a property-like syntax and more

Era Scarecrow rtcvb32 at
Sat Feb 2 17:45:13 PST 2013

On Saturday, 2 February 2013 at 23:23:37 UTC, TommiT wrote:
> You say "there's no real benefit". I say "there's the benefit 
> of being able to add another layer of encapsulation when it's 
> needed". Here's what I mean by that:
> The lack of encapsulation with @property attribute:
> struct T
> {
>     private int _value;
>     void add_twice(int v)
>     {
>         _value += 2 * v;
>     }
> }
> struct S
> {
>     private T _t;
>     private int _sum_of_squares; // Can't update this
>     @property ref T prop()
>     {
>         return _t;
>     }
> }
> void main()
> {
>     S s;
>     s.prop.add_twice(); // *Not* incrementing s._sum_of_squares
> }

  I'd just call that bad design, I wouldn't reference a variable 
like that  unless it's returned const or I don't care about if 
anything else accesses it. Since T/_t is private you shouldn't be 
giving access to them without a good reason.

> ...Whereas with memberspaces we can add that extra layer of 
> encapsulation:
> struct S
> {
>     private T _t;
>     private int _sum_of_squares;
>     memberspace prop
>     {
>         ref const(T) opCall() const
>         {
>             return _t;
>         }

  So this one's allowed a const get return....

>         void add_twice(int v)
>         {
>             _sum_of_squares += (2 * v)^2; // Yippee!
>             return _t.add_twice(v);
>         }
>     }
> }

  Hmmm curiously the above previous example didn't include 
add_twice outside of T. had it of and had a const get I'm sure 
these would be about the same.

  I'll your example(s) here reflect a bad/different design rather 
than why namespaces should be used.

  Besides, wasn't namespaces in D handled due to initial modular 
setup and alias?

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