optional (), what is done elsewhere

deadalnix deadalnix at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 19:34:32 PST 2013

I finally did my homework. Many languages have been presented as 
example of optional parenthesis, and not posing ambiguity 
problems. As I'm not a specialist of such languages, I wanted to 
do some homework and check what is the reality.

See for instance 
for example of such claim.

1/ Ruby.

In Ruby, method are called without (). This is not ambiguous as 
fields are always private.

2/ Scala.

In scala, the method name is evaluated to the method itself. If 
this ends up being a NOOP, then the function is evaluated. See 
example below :

scala> def method1() = { println("method1") }
method1: ()Unit

scala> method1

scala> method1()

scala> def method2(f: () => Unit) = { f() }
method2: (f: () => Unit)Unit

scala> method2
<console>:9: error: missing arguments for method method2;
follow this method with `_' if you want to treat it as a 
partially applied function

scala> method2(method1)

scala> method2(method1())
<console>:10: error: type mismatch;
  found   : Unit
  required: () => Unit

As we can see, mthod1 is evaluated only when simply returning the 
function is a NOOP.

3/ Haskell

In haskell, all functions are pure, which make the conflation 
between the function and its result possible in an unambiguous 

4/ Coffescript

Example given on that page http://coffeescript.org/ tends to show 
that the behavior is similar to scala's. Note function square 
that is stored into a structure as a function, and not evaluated.

It seems that none does what D try to achieve.

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