nested functions and closures

Johannes Pfau nospam at
Mon Feb 11 10:59:36 PST 2013

When debugging gdc I've found some at least for me interesting
behavior which I'm trying to understand now:

auto testFunction() {
    int a = 41;
    int nestedFunc() { return ++a; }

    struct NestedStruct {
        int answer() { return nestedFunc(); }

    return NestedStruct();


This is valid D code, creates a closure.

class testClass
    int a = 41;
    int nestedFunc() { return ++a; }

    struct NestedStruct {
        int answer() { return nestedFunc(); }
    auto getStruct() { return NestedStruct(); }

writeln((new TestClass()).getStruct().answer);

This does not compile:
test.d(33): Error: this for nestedFunc needs to be type testClass not
type NestedStruct

Is this intended? It seems to be very similar to the function closure
code. Couldn't NestedStruct just get a pointer to the testClass to
access its variables? Or am I missing something?

Everything works fine if NestedStruct is a class and not a struct so I
guess this functionality was disabled deliberately. But why? And why
wasn't using a nested struct in functions in a similar way disallowed as

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