DLL crash inside removethreadtableentry - where's the source code for that?

Rainer Schuetze r.sagitario at gmx.de
Sat Feb 16 23:56:31 PST 2013

On 17.02.2013 04:07, Ben Davis wrote:
> Hi,
> The user-mode driver I'm working on (a 32-bit DLL) is crashing Windows
> Media Player on exit. (Two other host apps exit fine.) I can catch it in
> the Visual Studio debugger, but only see assembly language. Initially
> I'm just after tips on where to find source for the bits of D that are
> involved, but maybe someone will recognise the problem already...
> I've gone through the assembly in some detail, and established that the
> crash is inside some removethreadtableentry() code which is called
> shortly before DllMain(DLL_THREAD_DETACH), and must look something like:
> //tid is the Windows numeric thread ID for the current thread
> removethreadtableentry(tid) {
>    foreach (i, obj in someObjArray1024EntriesLong) {
>      if (obj.someField == tid) goto foundIt;
>    }
>    return;
>    //When we get here, i is 1 (pretend it's in scope)
>    foundIt:
>    free(obj.something);    //Does nothing, already 0
>    if (obj.somethingElse) {  //Does nothing, already 0
>      CloseHandle(obj.somethingElse);
>    }
>    free(obj);    //Crash inside this free()
> }
> Furthermore, I've established that:
> - removethreadtableentry() doesn't get to foundIt for most threads.

_removethreadtableentry is a function in the DM C runtime library. It 
has the bug that it tries to free a data record that has never been 
allocated if the thread that loaded the DLL is terminated. This is the 
entry at index 1.

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