return by auto ref horribly broken ?

monarch_dodra monarchdodra at
Mon Feb 18 03:10:37 PST 2013

I think I'm opening a can of worms here, in regards to inferring 
the escape of references, but a quick investigation showed me 
that return by auto-ref is horribly broken.

Basically, the only thing it does is check if the very last value 
it returns is a ref, but a ref to what? The possibilities of 
returning a ref to a local are HUGE. For example, simple 
returning the index of a tuple, or of a static array, and you're 
in it deep:

import std.typecons;

auto ref foo(T)(auto ref T t)
     return t[0];

void main()
     int* p = &foo(tuple(1, 2));

Here, both foo will return a ref to a local. But the compiler 
won't see, and more importantly, it gets blind sided because it 
*can't* see it (AFAIK).

These are trivial examples, but imagine what happens if you start 
mixing in templates, in particular, things like, that returns its front by auto-ref.
This is combined with an improvement I'm trying to make to 
*aryFun, to infer return type reference of. The two *do*not* mix. 
At all.

This investigation leads me to believe that using auto ref in 
anything but trivial template code.


There have been lots of talks about such problems recently in 
regards to safe code and escaping references, but I just realized 
that auto-ref is just as vulnerable to the problem as is safe 

There were talks about safe code banning the taking and/or 
passing/returning references if the compiler couldn't prove this 
was safe. I'd suggest, staying on the side of safety, we also 
apply this to auto ref, and ban it from returning a ref if it 
can't *prove* the object returned is not a local.

Am I wrong in my analysis? More importantly, how would this mix 
with DIP 25 ( ?

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