D project management for better growth and longevity

Samuel Lampa samuel.lampa at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 07:06:03 PST 2013

I think I might see something of what you mean.

For example, the highly successful (not the least in terms of ecosystem) 
Drupal project, has many subprojects, for improving things around Drupal 
(specific set of modules/plug-ins/project infrastructure and many other 
things), which are organised as groups on their group-discussion site 
(powered by the "organic groups" drupal module, which is highly suited 
for this kind of self-organizing groups).


(Anyone can start a new group, to facilitate community self-organization)

You mentioned the main criteria, to get something such to work. which 
not many systems have, namely making it easy to keeping track of who is 
interested/involved in what, in order to efficiently interact with the 
relevant sub-group of the community.

What D has in this area, seems to be the DSource website, and forums:

I don't know how it works out though (haven't participated), but it 
turns out that the above feature is missing: It's not easy to keep track 
of who are involved (subscribe to) in projects. Also, it could maybe be 
made easier to find for newcomers?

(Maybe Drupal with "organic groups" could be used to set up an improved 
group discussion site? :) )

// Samuel

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