ref is unsafe

Rob T rob at
Thu Jan 3 15:58:45 PST 2013

OK, I understand what you mean by "scope" and how that can be 
used to prevent leaking a local ref out.

Don't forget to consider this kind of scenario, which has no ref 
arguments to consider

struct X
    int _i;
    ref int f()
       return _i;

ref int F()

    X x;
    return x.f();

int main()
     // example uses that currently compile
     F = 1000;

Is this valid? Does local x remain defined up until the function 
call terminates completely, ie until after the reference is no 
longer valid?

I can also mark everything as @safe and it will compile, and also 
scope x

@safe ref int F()

    scope X x;
    return x.f();

    // this compiles too

    return x._i;



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