Is it possible to use a C multi-threaded lib with D (multi-threading)?

Robert M. Münch robert.muench at
Sat Jan 12 08:41:37 PST 2013

Hi, I have a C library that uses multi-threading and implements a 
callback architecture by this. It runs on Windows and *nixes 
(pthreads). I would like to use it from D.

I understand that the ABI of D is C compatible, so I would expect that 
there shouldn't be any problems with threading as well. Can I somehow 
use D's threading features in combination with the libraries C 
features? Or is it better to completely keep the two seperate?

Has anyone any experience in mixing D and C in multi-threaded envrionments?

Thanks for the feedback.

Robert M. Münch
Saphirion AG
smarter | better | faster

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