Exceptional coding style

Marco Nembrini marco.nembrini.co at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 03:15:37 PST 2013

On 17.01.2013 14:10, Mehrdad wrote:

> Uh, you sort of missed the point...
> The point was that you align similar-looking lines when /writing/ the
> code, so that it's in the right form when you need to modify it later,
> and all you need to do is Alt-Click-Drag to create 20 cursors, and type
> away.
> Or to put it another way: the whole point is to turn an O(n) operation
> into an O(1) operation. If you have to make O(n) cursor-additions then
> you've defeated the whole purpose.
> That said, what you mentioned is not just a Sublime feature...
> I use SciTE which does exactly the same thing. =P

Hmm I see. I was thinking more of the situation where the lines are not 
aligned (maybe someone else's code), and you want to add something to 
all of them once. If you need to edit them multiple times then aligning 
is better.

Hmm that's good on Scite, most of the editors I had tried before Sublime 
didn't have this feature...

Marco Nembrini

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