@property - take it behind the woodshed and shoot it?

Manfred Nowak svv1999 at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 24 03:48:01 PST 2013

Walter Bright wrote:

> I want to get rid of @property. It's an eyesore.


And on falling flat on that please rethink uglinesses like 
`writefln'. Such mangling of values of parameters into the 
identifiers of procedures might kill maintainability. Or: is 
everyone able to "see" the values hidden in several of such 
appendices coming from several libraries written by several 

writefln, seefln, grabfln, killfln!

`write( format="%s", someExpression, eol);' is in fact longer than
`writefln( "%s", someExpression);'



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