@property - take it behind the woodshed and shoot it?

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 10:37:59 PST 2013

Thinking about it, this isn't quite a full circle. It does 
improve a bit.

If we aren't going dip21, how about:


Everything stays the way it is now, except:

* if a @property is called with parens, they always apply to the 
return value

* -property hopefully dies.


I don't really like it, it leaves a number of problems behind... 
but that would be an improvement on the status quo. I don't hate 


alias void delegate() Callable;

Callable nonprop();
@property Callable prop();

Callable returned = nonprop; // ok, the parens are optional
Callable returned = nonprop(); // ok, nonprop() just calls 
nonprop like any other function

Callable returned = prop; // ok, no parens still calls, just like 
Callable returned = prop(); // NOT GOOD: the () applies to the 
Callable (which returns void), not prop, because prop has 

nonprop()(); // calls the Callable (this expression returns void)
prop()(); // nonsense (prop() returns void, which is not callable)


int nonprop();
@property int prop();

int returned = nonprop; // fine, optional parens
int returned = nonprop(); // fine

int returned = prop; // fine, we just call prop
int returned = prop(); // NO GOOD: the () always applies to the 
return value, which in this case is int, which is not callable

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