Memory Safety without a GC or Ref Counting

F i L witte2008 at
Thu Jan 24 18:12:55 PST 2013

H. S. Teoh wrote:
> The problem is that quite often, the compiler will not be able 
> to prove
> much about the data structure, esp. when you have non-trivial
> manipulation of pointers -- it requires solving the halting 
> problem to
> achieve that level of analysis on arbitrary code -- so it will 
> probably
> fall back to the GC quite often, depending on what the code 
> does.

Well I misspoke on exactly what I meant by "falling back to 
ref-counting".. I actually don't think you'd need anything like a 
typical GC's or Ref-counting system, since this memory-model is 
so rigid it gives a bit more guarantee on when something is 
allocated and deleted, therefor when references need to be 
cleaned can be a bit more optimized (at least I think).

For any local variables, most of the cleanup code can be 
statically injected (like I illustrated above). Really the only 
area you need to dynamically track and "nullify" references is 
for dynamically allocating objects, like DynamicArrays. For them 
we can fall-back on a sort of "Garbage Collection", however I 
think it can be better (doesn't need cyclic detection, is 
deterministic, etc). Let me illustrate...

In the compiler, our DynamicArray type might look like:

     type DynamicArray(T) # template type
         ptr pointer : T
         var length : type(ptr)

         ptr refs = MemoryPool(ref T[])

         func => (index, r:ref T)
             refs[index] += r

         func -= (item)
             ...remove item...

             var rfs = refs[getIndex(item)]

             each r in rfs
                 if r ==> item
                     r => null

             refs -= rfs

Basically, syntax like:

     var foos = Foo[]

is just sugar for:

     var foos = DynamicArray(Foo)

You'll notice that the DynamicArray type has a reference 'refs' 
to a MemoryPool of type 'ref T[]'. This MemoryPool object would 
probably be shared across multiple/all DynamicArrays for 
optimization, but for now just think of it as a simple 
dynamic-array-of-arrays itself.

The functions: '=>' & '-=' are operators, and happen whenever a 
variable is referenced to an item, and when an item is removed, 
respectively. To illustrate:

     var nums = int[] # DynamicArray(int)
     ref a, b : int

     func main
         nums += 1 # allocate
         nums += 2 # allocate
         nums += 3 # allocate

         a => nums[2] # nums.=>(2, a)
         b => a       # nums.=>(2, b)

         each i in nums
             if runtime_condition
                 nums -= i # nums.-=(i)

So while this would search through a list of refs every time an 
item was removed, it wouldn't have to do any complex cyclic 
detection, or other such things. The MemoryPools could be a 
universally managed heap of references that each DynamicArray 
only held a slice-reference to, therefor allocating arrays would 
still be cheap.

That's more of what I meant by falling back to "Ref-counting" 
(more like reverse-referencing) type systems in cases where you 
need them. Combined with all the optimizations that could occur 
with local variables, I think a system like this could have a lot 
of potential as an alternative to a thread-locking GC. Still... I 
have this feeling like there's some obvious flaw in the design I 
just can't see yet...

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