Nitpick on forum interface: searches bring up wrong post in unthreaded view.

Chad Joan chadjoan at
Sun Jan 27 19:45:28 PST 2013

On 01/27/2013 06:50 PM, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
> Alternatively, you could right-click the post title to obtain a
> canonical link to the post, which should work with all view modes
> (unless you are using some kind of web browser which ignores anchors in
> redirects).
> It is documented here:
> (If you are using a web browser which does not understand anchors in
> links, please scroll down to the section "Canonical links".)

I didn't understand this at first because I tried to do it from the 
search results that google gave me and Murphy's hand was covering the 
documentation link in your post when I read it ;)

I understand what that is now.

In fact, there's an (undocumented?) feature that allows me to do what I 
want: if I left-click on a post's title, it will bump my browser to the 
"canonical" link, which will show it in thread context if threaded view 
is my current setting.

That's good for me, personally, but I wonder if it would still be a good 
idea to have a "view this post in threaded mode" option tucked away 
somewhere just to be very explicit that it is possible to do that.  I 
didn't actually expect clicking on post title to do that.

Also, there's another problem I still see that the "view post in 
threaded mode" link would solve:
If I'm in basic mode and I want to view a post in thread context, then I 
have no way to do this in one click, it seems.  If I click "View mode: 
threaded" then I will lose the post and it will select for display 
whatever post happened to be at the top of the page in basic mode.  If I 
click on the post title, it will do nothing because I'm already at that 
post and already in the same mode, which is basic.  Instead I have to 
save the URL, click threaded mode, go back to the original URL now that 
I'm in threaded mode, then click a post title, and I can get a thread 
context, and that operation was side-effectful because I'm in threaded 
mode now.

If you read all this and take it into consideration, I'll be quite 

I'm starting to feel like my reluctance to use the otherwise really good 
forum interface might stem from a single wart or misunderstood UI 
element like this.

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