[your code here]

Roumen Roupski rroupski at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 00:42:46 PST 2013

// Checks if two files have equal content using memory mapped 
import std.file;
import std.mmfile;
import std.stdio;

// Compares the content of two files
private bool equals(in string f1, in string f2)
	if (getSize(f1) != getSize(f2))
		return false;	// different file sizes

	if (getSize(f1) == 0)
		return true;	// zero-length files are equal
	MmFile m1, m2;
		m1 = new MmFile(f1);
		m2 = new MmFile(f2);
		return m1[] == m2[];
	catch (Throwable ex)
		writefln("File read error: %s", ex.msg);
		return false;  // cannot compare the files
		delete m1;
		delete m2;

void main (string[] args)
	enum NotFound = "Cannot open file: %s";

	if (args.length == 3)
		auto f1 = args[1], f2 = args[2];

		if (!(exists(f1) && isFile(f1)))
			writefln(NotFound, f1);
		else if (!(exists(f2) && isFile(f2)))
			writefln(NotFound, f2);
		else if (equals(f1, f2))
			writeln("Same files");
			writeln("Different files");
		writeln("Usage: filequals <file1> <file2>");

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