Composite Pattern and simplificaton

JS js.mdnq at
Wed Jul 3 21:25:29 PDT 2013

I'm trying to write a mixin that will solve the problem but since 
I can't seem to build up strings progressively it's a huge pain 
in the ass.

import std.stdio, std.cstream, std.traits, std.conv;

interface A { void myfunc(real, int, string); @property int 
myvalue(); }

template reverseEnum(alias e, alias value)
	string eval()
		foreach(v; EnumMembers!e)
			static if (to!int(v) - to!int(value) == 0)
				return to!string(v);
		return "";
	enum reverseEnum = '"' ~ eval() ~ '"';
template evaluateParameterTypeTuple(string x) { enum 
evaluateParameterTypeTuple = 
"ParameterTypeTuple!("~x~").stringof"; }
template evaluateReturnType(string x) { enum evaluateReturnType = 
"ReturnType!("~x~").stringof"; }
template evaluateAttributes(string x) { enum evaluateAttributes = 
"functionAttributes!("~x~")"; }
template replaceString(string x, string y, string z) { string 
eval() { static if(x == y) return z; return x; } enum 
replaceString = "'~eval()~'"';

template implementInterface(alias I, alias i)
	static string implement()
		//string x;
		foreach(name; __traits(allMembers, I))
			enum qname = I.stringof ~ "." ~ name;
			enum a = 
to!int(mixin(evaluateAttributes!(qname))))) ~ " ", "@none ", ""));
			enum bbody = " { return " ~ i.stringof ~ "." ~ name ~ "(); }";
			enum x = a ~ mixin(evaluateReturnType!(qname)) ~ " " ~ name ~ 
mixin(evaluateParameterTypeTuple!(qname)) ~ bbody;
			pragma(msg, ">" ~ x);
		return "";
	enum implementInterface = implement();

class B : A
	A a;
	mixin(implementInterface!(A, a));

void main(string[] args)

The code produces results like

void myfunc(real, int, string) { return a.myfunc(); } and
@property myvalue() { return a.myvalue(); }

which at some point, when finished, can be inserted into class B 
to implement A.

The problem, is that I can't build up the strings progressively 
in the mixin templates because I get errors that the variable 
can't be read at compile time.

I can do stuff like

enum x = "a" ~ "b" ~ "c";

but not

enum x = "a";
x ~= "b";
x ~= "c";

or whatever...

strings are about useless as they have the same issue.

I understand that compile time evaluation needs to have static 
behavior but I'm not doing anything that can't be done at compile 

I had to write a template just to replace a the "none" attribute 
because I couldn't easily do it directly.  I can't have the 
reverseEnum work with multiple flags because I can't build up the 
attribute string progressively. While I imagine it is possible to 
hack it up by tricking the compiler it starts to feel C'sh with 
something that should be pretty simple...

Maybe someone has some ideas?

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