Feature request: assert expressions should live inside version(assert)

Tommi tommitissari at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 7 05:22:17 PDT 2013

Sometimes you need to have some extra data to check against in 
the assert expression. That data isn't needed in release mode 
when assertions are ignored. Therefore, you put that extra data 
inside a version(assert). But then those assertions fail to 
compile in release mode because the symbol lookup for that extra 
data fails. For this reason, assert statements should live inside 
version(assert) blocks by default.


version (assert)
     const int[1000] maximums = 123;

void foo(int value, int index)
     assert(value < maximums[index]); // [1]

void main()
     foo(11, 22);

[1] (In release mode) Error: undefined identifier maximums

...so you need to introduce a redundant version(assert):

void foo(int value, int index)
     version (assert)
         assert(value < maximums[index]);

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