D roadmap?

Brian Rogoff brogoff at gmail.com
Mon Jul 22 20:39:43 PDT 2013

On Tuesday, 23 July 2013 at 00:12:14 UTC, bearophile wrote:
> ixid:
>> What became of using the comma operator with parens for tuples?
> I don't know. But I presume Walter is not interested in 
> breaking backwards compatibility with C so much.

If that's true, it would be unfortunate. I appreciate the
benefits of preserving C compatibility, but that has to be
balanced against the benefits of other features. Lightweight
tuple syntax is a huge win in every language I've used that has
it, and would be a win for D too, even at the expense of
compromising syntactic compatibility with C. Not a showstopper if
it never shows up, but it would be a disappointment. And yes,
commas with parens is probably the ideal syntax. What's the
proposed syntax for the types of tuples?

A 'blessed' roadmap would also benefit the D world. D the
language seems mostly complete at this point, so that many of the
exciting advances will be in the runtime (precise GC) and
libraries (allocators) and some plan describing when these kinds
of things are supposed to make it into the mainstream of D would
stir more interest in the language.

-- Brian

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