dynamic libraries not runtime loadable on linux after all? confused by lack of Posix implementation of rt_loadLibrary in dmain2.d

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at gmx.com
Fri Jul 26 13:21:26 PDT 2013

On Friday, July 26, 2013 21:42:57 J wrote:
> Is the implementation hiding on a different branch perhaps? Why
> were folks saying it was done?

No one said that it was done. We've only just added support for creating 
shared libraries to link in with the most recent release, so there's a good 
chance that more work will have to be done there. Much as it may be related, 
loading a shared library at runtime is a whole other ball game, and there 
definitely is a lot of work to be done there (particularly with regards to the 
GC). We're starting to get proper shared library support, but we definitely 
aren't done yet. We didn't even put anything about shared library support in
the 2.063 changelog because of how new it was.

- Jonathan M Davis

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