Migrating dmd to D?

Zach the Mystic reachBUTMINUSTHISzach at gOOGLYmail.com
Fri Mar 1 19:37:04 PST 2013

On Friday, 1 March 2013 at 06:57:31 UTC, Zach the Mystic wrote:
> So you're saying some of our dogfood is actually caviar then...
> I would divide the caviar into two groups, manifest and hidden. 
> The manifest caviar is the easiest to sell. Hidden caviar is 
> the benefits which are unexpected by at least a portion of the 
> D community. Each piece of hidden caviar therefore needs one or 
> more champions.
> Not that this is a perfect example, but the lexer being 
> assembled by Brian and Dmitri seems to have a spark of the 
> hidden caviar about it, lending weight to the "clean room" 
> camp. The politics of "existing" versus "clean room" must be 
> mastered because there's a lot of room for resentment there if 
> the wrong choices are made, it seems to me.
> One thing both "clean room" and "existing" have, or should 
> have, in common is the test suite, which is probably a better 
> spec than the spec is. Perhaps a method can be devised which 
> makes it easy to divide and conquer the test suite.

By "clean room" I really meant starting from scratch, regardless 
of license.

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