I'd just like to say thanks for D

FG home at fgda.pl
Mon Mar 11 02:30:04 PDT 2013

On 2013-03-11 06:22, H. S. Teoh wrote:
>    And now it's 2013 and g++ is still defaulting to the *old* C++?!

I don't mind having to add -std=c++11 as much as dealing with its incomplete 
implementation. Still have to use the pcre library for regular expressions.
Waiting gets me nervous, so in the mean time I'll rather write more D.

> - And then another roadblock: the compiler says, "hey, buddy, std::hash
>    hasn't been specialized for cache_key_type yet, so it doesn't know how
>    to compute the hash value of the key, and so I can't instantiate that
>    template for you!".

Oh, yes, been through this. Why is there no hash function for const char*?
The second thing is that not everything has a string representation that can be 
output on screen without doing extra processing. to_string just barely started 
working in newest MinGW. If you don't have that available and ask for a 
different but still _simple_ way to convert a number to string, you are shown 
the good old stream code:

     std::stringstream ss; ss << number; out = ss.str();

Seriously? If I could at least chain that...

     out = std::stringstream(number).str();

Unfortunately, no. So I end up adding my own functions in every project for many 
trivial tasks, which should be doable out-of-the-box with minimal effort. Yep, 
to_string helps, but C++11 and its complete support are coming much too late. 
Therefore, being quite impatient, I'd also like to say thanks for D. :)

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