My thoughts & tries with rvalue references

Zach the Mystic reachzach at
Fri Mar 29 22:32:38 PDT 2013

On Friday, 29 March 2013 at 13:45:48 UTC, Namespace wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I would like to show you my tries and thoughts about rvalue 
> references and their syntax.
> As discussed in my other thread in the learn group 
> (, 
> auto ref is not longer an option for non-template functions.
> Because of that I learned to read the compiler code and start 
> my own tries, as you can read in my thread also 
> (
> One of my tries was a kind of pseudo-property "@ref" and 
> finally a hybrid of D and C++: ref&.
> Because I think a property isn't the best solution, I like to 
> hear your thougths about my idea with "ref&".
> Here a small example:
> void bar1(ref& A a) { } // OK
> void bar2(ref &A a) { } // OK
> void bar21(&A a) { } // Error: '&' can only be used in 
> combination with 'ref'.
> void bar22(& A a) { } // Error: '&' can only be used in 
> combination with 'ref'.
> void bar3(ref const& A a) { } // OK
> void bar4(ref const &A a) { } // OK
> void bar5(ref &const A a) { } // Error: '&' Must be directly 
> used in front of the type.
> void bar6(ref& const A a) { } // Error: '&' Must be directly 
> used in front of the type.
> And for templates:
> void foo(T)(ref &T t) { }
> As you can see, '&' can only be used in front of the type and 
> cannot exist without 'ref'.
> The advantages of this syntax would be:
>   - it is short
>   - It is easy to implement
>   - it is known from C++
>   - It does not cause conflicts with other things
> and it is (IMO) a very nice hybrid of C++ ref and D ref.
> Hope you like it, just like me. But I would like to hear your 
> general opinions about it.
> Thanks in advance.

The major downside is that if you don't come from C++ it's hard 
to understand why 'ref &' means what you propose. The major 
upsides are, as you mention, it's very concise and perfectly 
intuitive if you DO come from C++. In the spirit of trying to 
come up with something for comparison, the best attribute I've 
thought of so far is '@val':

void bar1(@val ref A a) { }

The advantage is that it's consistent with my understanding of 
the general approach to adding things to D at this point. But 
that's also it's disadvantage: it's nothing more than a mundane 

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