immuable method address and export method address.

Igor Stepanov wazar.leollone at
Sun May 5 12:34:27 PDT 2013

Hello, I've two simple questions:

1. I have a structure:

struct Foo
   public int bar() const {return 0;}
   public int bar() immutable {return 1;}

How can I get immutable bar address?

When I've wrote next code I've got a const bar address. Is it a 

void main()
     immutable Foo boo;
     int delegate() immutable dg = &;

Next question:
If I write туче code, it'll be builded successfully

void main()
     foreach(cur; __traits(getOverloads, Foo, "bar"))
         void* p = &cur;
         writeln(cur); //prints a function pointer.

If I change protection of bar to export I've got a error:

struct Foo
   export int bar() const {return 0;}
   export int bar() immutable {return 1;}

void main()
     foreach(cur; __traits(getOverloads, Foo, "bar"))
         void* p = &cur; //Error: need 'this' to access member bar

How should it be?

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