clear() causes crash?

Denis Shelomovskij verylonglogin.reg at
Fri May 10 19:37:43 PDT 2013

30.04.2013 1:04, "Luís Marques" <luismarques at>" пишет:
> This crashes in the last line of main:
>      class A
>      {
>          void foo() {}
>      }
>      void main()
>      {
>          A a = new A();
>          clear(a);
>          assert(a !is null);
>;  // crashes
>      }
> As far as I understand from TDPL book, this should not crash, but it
> does (DMD64 v2.062, OS X). Am I misunderstanding clear()?
> BTW, why not make clear also change 'a' to null?

Ideally is should throw with pretty message but it isn't implemented. 
See Issue 8139 - Make objects really disposable by addition of "Object 
finalized" assertion [1].

IMO, also `destroy` (renamed `clear`) looks like the worst mistake in D 
runtime and I'd recommend to not use it (or better recompile 
druntime+phobos without it for your own use). See Issue 9139 - `destroy` 
is dangerous and inconsistent [2]. Use 
`unstd.lifetime.finalizeClassInstance` [3] and friends for user-defined 
lifetime implementation to avoid serious problems.


Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

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