DConf 2013 Day 1 Talk 2 (Copy and Move Semantics)

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at gmx.com
Sat May 11 17:44:26 PDT 2013

On Sunday, May 12, 2013 02:36:28 Diggory wrote:
> It's not just for the benefit of the compiler either - attributes
> help get across the intent of the code rather than just what it
> does and can be very powerful in ensuring correct code.

Yes, but the more you have, the more the programmer has to understand and keep 
track of. There's cost in cognitive load. So, you want to add enough that you 
can do what you need to do and get some solid benefits from the attributes that 
you have, but at some point, you have to stop adding them, or the language 
becomes unwieldy. Whether it would ultimately be good or bad with regards to 
unique specifically is still an open question, but it means that any attributes 
you add really need to pull their weight, especially when we already have so 
many of them.

- Jonathan M Davis

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