Struct with default ctor (Was: [dmd-beta] dmd 2.064 beta take 2)

Dicebot m.strashun at
Sat May 18 01:19:57 PDT 2013

On Saturday, 18 May 2013 at 02:34:46 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> On 5/18/13, Timothee Cour <thelastmammoth at> wrote:
>> S.init should be known at compile time by the spec.
> But why is this needed?

It is quite helpful for template / meta-programming stuff. You 
are always 100% guaranteed that you can construct S.init and use 
with your weird template magic wihtout extra checks and 
fallbacks. However, so far most of real-world usages of T.init I 
have seen is more about template constraint checks where exact 
T.init value does not matter that much. Any other usage examples 
in mind?

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