Need some opinions for a GUI editor

Denis Shelomovskij verylonglogin.reg at
Wed May 29 00:56:19 PDT 2013

29.05.2013 1:25, Flamaros пишет:
> Hi,
> I and a friend are developing a GUI library, and now our script engine
> is ready to start a prototype (but far to be finished). We think to try
> to create a GUI editor based on our library.
> In this way, we'll see which features are need.
> My concern is about how the editor have to works, we see two different
> ways to do it :
> 1) Classic editor external to the user applications
>   a) Good :
>      - Lightweight (easy to deploy and test)
>      - No need to modify application code
>      - Stable due to isolation of application
>      - Real-time edition but limited on one view (bad to preview menus
> transitions)
>   b) Bad :
>      - Limited, plugins needed to extend editor components and his
> knowledge of application (can't predict size of unknown application
> specific items)
> 2) Integrated editor (launch with the user application in a second Window)
>   a) Good :
>      - Preview is the final result with real data
>      - All application components accessible to the editor without
> complex plugin system (in this way all editors components will be well
> placed in the preview)
>      - Full real-time edition (can preview menus transitions,...)
>      - User can customize the editor
>   b) Bad :
>      - Intrusive in the application code
>      - Force the user to port application on a desktop OS (Linux, Mac or
> Windows), not friendly if he target only embedded devices (can be
> bypassed with a remote system)
>      - Less stable editor?
> The second solution is commonly used in the video game industry, but is
> the best choice for a larger usage?
> What do you think about?

As for me, a GUI editor is completely unneeded. Currently I'm using GTK+ 
for my apps so I tried to use Glade a long time ago but finished 
manually writing all the code as it:

1. It is not complicated and not time-wasted at all.
2. It gives you more control on the application.
3. It saves you time (!) as you can use you own functions for common 
widgets creation/location patterns.

So if your library isn't that silly one where you have to manually 
specify widget location/size in parent don't waste your time on GUI editor.

Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

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