D french-speaking community

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at michelf.ca
Sat Nov 9 04:02:17 PST 2013

On 2013-11-08 20:21:39 +0000, "Théo B" <munrek at gmx.com> said:

> Hello there,
> I am a French student who discovered D about a year ago. I used it for 
> a few personal projects, and I really enjoyed it as a great tool to 
> make powerful native-apps easily.
> Unfortunaly, finding resources in french on the web is near impossible, 
> and I think this is a real problem for the language to expand ( in 
> terms of new users, and activity ). Another problem is that there is no 
> french community to exchange and promote it, so I decided to create a 
> french-speaking website with resources and forums.
> http://dlang-fr.org/
> http://forum.dlang-fr.org/

Wouldn't it be better to concentrate efforts on making the official D 
site and the forum interface multilingual? (and also incidentally add a 
French forum here?) Then this system can be expanded to other languages 

Take my website as an example. For almost any page (for instance the 
D/Objective-C project[1]), you have a link at the top right to go to 
the French equivalent of that page (which is a good proper translation, 
NOT an automatic one). It's very handy when you can find a page in a 
language and need the equivalent in another to post as a link somewhere.

[1]: http://michelf.ca/projects/d-objc/

Also, make sure you have a published lexicon for translated terms every 
one can base upon. For instance, the one I made for PHP Markdown:

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at michelf.ca

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