std.templatecons ready for comments

Denis Shelomovskij verylonglogin.reg at
Mon Nov 11 12:33:26 PST 2013

10.11.2013 19:30, Ilya Yaroshenko пишет:
> Hello, All!
> std.templatecons: Functional style template constructors.
> Documentation:
> Source:
> Note:
> dmd >= 2.64 required
> Please destroy!
> I am sorry for my English in sources/docs.
> Best Regards,
> Ilya

No more plain modules, please. Call it `std.meta.<something>`.

I'm against of including a few range-like (i.e. like `std.range` and 
`std.algorithm` stuff) templates like `RepeatExactly`, 
`templateStaticMap`, and `templateFilter`. First these are generic tuple 
manipulation templates belong to `std.meta.generictuple` (or how it's 
called now). Second I'd like to see one-to-one analog of all (most) 
applicable range operation functions for generic tuples in Phobos by 
merging in e.g. [1]

As for `std.functional`-like template I can't tell much as the only ones

Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

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