DIP 50 - AST macros

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Wed Nov 13 00:40:13 PST 2013

On 2013-11-12 21:55, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

> Actually I couldn't shake off the feeling that macros are just CTFE
> functions on Ast objects. How objects are created and converted back to
> source code is a separate question.

Yes, and reflection.

> If we just had:
> //this would invoke compiler's parser at CTFE
> auto ast = "x = y;".astof
> and have it work at CTFE to return sensible AST (a big if btw).
> And then (after some manipulations):
> ast.toString() //get back a string of D code
> It may help code generation of D --> DSL.
> Alternatively one can implement D parser that works at CTFE and watch it
> crawl :)

You would still need to do strign mixin. Which results in a some 
unnecessary conversion between AST's and strings. See the list at the 
bottom of:


It also looks ugly.

/Jacob Carlborg

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