try/catch idiom in std.datetime

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Mon Nov 18 00:59:44 PST 2013

On 2013-11-18 08:28, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

> That code's like that just because I like to put empty lines before and after
> if statements and before return statements, as I think that that improves
> legibility. Short functions like that suffer as a result, because they end up
> with a larger proportion of the lines being empty than is normal. I'm always a
> bit torn on that, because I don't like having quite that many empty lines in
> so few lines, but I also don't like not having space around if statements and
> return statements. I never feel like I can find a nice, legible balance with
> short functions like that.

I like the empty newlines as well. Otherwise it feels like reading a 
text without paragraphs.

> Fine with me. I might still favor the try-catch in cases where you can clearly
> wrap it around one function call, because then you avoid problems where you've
> accidentally effectively marked the whole function as trusted-nothrow when you
> only want to mark one function call that way. But you could do the same thing
> with scope(failure) and a new scope. The main problem is when you can't really
> put the calls that need to be trusted-nothrow inside a new scope, in which
> case, you're forced to mark the whole function (or at least large portions of
> it) as trusted-nothrow by wrapping it all in a try-catch or scope(failure).

In this case the whole function is wrapped on a try-block. In those 
cases I think a scope(failure) looks nicer.

>> 2. Relax the nothrow guarantees. After all, nothrow is opt-in.
> I'm not quite sure what you're suggesting here. Make it so that nothrow does
> checking at runtime instead of compile time? That would be moving in the
> direction of C++ and throw specifiers (or more precisely, noexcept, I suppose).
> If that's what you're suggesting, I'd be very much against that. I think that
> the fact D's nothrow is statically checked is a huge advantage over C++'s
> noexcept. The fact that you have to sometimes use try-catch blocks (or
> scope(failure) if that works) to make it work is essentially the same as
> needing @trusted to make some stuff @safe. I wouldn't want to throw away
> @trusted in favor of making @safe more lax either (though that's almost all
> static checking which can't be done at runtime, unlike with noexcept).
> Of course, there's no way to verify trusted-nothrow except at runtime like
> std.datetime is doing with try-catch and assertions, but most code _can_ be
> checked statically (including the code that calls the functions that use the
> try-catch-assert idiom to be able to be nothrow), and that's much more
> pleasant, particularly because it's actually checked by the compiler that way
> rather than just blowing up on you at runtime.
> I suppose that if it were considered annoying enough to have to use try-catch
> blocks or scope(failure), we could add a nothrow equivalent to @trusted to
> mark functions with, though it's already been argued that @trusted should be
> on pieces of a function rather than on the whole function, and it would
> arguably be better to mark sections of a function as trusted-nothrow rather
> than the entire thing. try-catch lets us do that already, but it might be nice
> to be able to do the equivalent of
>       @property FracSec fracSec() const nothrow
>       {
>           trusted-nothrow
>           {
>               auto hnsecs = removeUnitsFromHNSecs!"days"(adjTime);
>               if(hnsecs < 0)
>                   hnsecs += convert!("hours", "hnsecs")(24);
>               hnsecs = removeUnitsFromHNSecs!"seconds"(hnsecs);
>               return FracSec.from!"hnsecs"(cast(int)hnsecs);
>           }
>       }
> and have the compiler insert the catch and assertion for you.

Just do something like this:

void trusted_nothrow (alias block) ()
     scope(failure) assert(0);

     // code

Not as pretty. Yet another prefect example for AST macros :)

/Jacob Carlborg

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