dynamic use dll or so file error!

master djj at shumtn.com
Wed Nov 27 06:33:18 PST 2013

I want to access dynamic libraries on different platforms, but I 
still can not get the function, so do not write it? Where is 

import core.runtime;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;

	import std.c.windows.windows;
else version(Posix)
	import core.stdc.stdio;
	import core.stdc.stdlib;
	import core.sys.posix.dlfcn;

void* getSymbolAddress(void* handle, string name)
         FARPROC proc = GetProcAddress(cast(HMODULE)handle, 
         if (proc is null)
			writefln(": can't resolve symbol "~name);
			return null;
         return cast(void*)proc;
	else version(Posix)
         auto cstr = toStringz(symbol);
         return dlsym(handle, cstr);

struct Binder(T)
	void opCall(string name, void* lib)
		*fptr = getSymbolAddress(lib, name);
	private void** fptr;

template bindFunc(T)
	Binder!(T) bindFunc(inout T a)
		Binder!(T) res;
		res.fptr = cast(void**)&a;
		return res;

extern (C)
	void function() net_tcp_send;	

void LoadPlatform(void* lib)
	bindFunc(net_tcp_send)("net_tcp_send", lib);

int main()
	void* hp  = Runtime.loadLibrary("ShuNet.dll".dup);
     if(hp is null)
         writefln("error loading ShuNet.dll");
         return 1;
	writefln("ShuNet.dll is loaded");

	printf("net_tcp_send=>%p", net_tcp_send);

	net_tcp_send(); // this error

		writefln("error freeing ShuNet.dll");
         return 1;

     return 0;

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