[OT] Which IDE / Editor do you use?

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at quickfur.ath.cx
Sat Sep 14 00:11:25 PDT 2013

On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 02:14:49AM -0400, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Sep 2013 06:37:49 +0200
> "dusr" <dusr at d.usr> wrote:
> > > Like I said, I've been a Linux user for a long time, and that's by
> > > choice! But I still envy a lot of what Windows gets right and
> > > still long for the good old days of DOS where it was just you, the
> > > hardware, and a little tiny helper library that was there if you
> > > needed it.
> > 
> > I've used debian from woody to squeeze, then I moved back to
> > windows7.  Windows is better.

To each his own, I guess. For me, I couldn't stand 5 minutes of using
*any* version of Windows (unless putty was installed on it :-P).

The caveat, of course, is that I don't use what the "typical" user uses,
like GTK or KDE or whatever it is that comes by default on Debian these
days.  The first thing I do in the installer is to unselect all
X11-related packages and do a minimal GUI-less install, then
hand-install a bare bones version of X11, selecting the absolute minimum
packages to be just enough to run ratpoison, and go on from there. So my
experience is probably rather different from yours. :)

> Heh, I'm sort of the opposite. I've been using Windows from 3.11
> through 7, and from Vista onward I've started to really hate Windows
> more and more (If I wanted to be running a Mac, I'd have gotten a
> Mac, not two versions of "New Windows: Apple-Envy Edition" followed by
> "Microsoft UI-Of-The-Month Club").
> Meanwhile, I've been using Linux more and more for testing and servers,
> and I'm looking at switching my main OS over to...probably Debian 7,
> with wine and VirtualBox for the occasional things that don't come in
> Linux flavor. I just wish I could get a Linux file manager I liked.

A Linux file manager? You mean bash? ;-)

OK, OK, I kid. Bash does have its annoyances, I admit (my latest bash
pet peeve is broken bash_completion scripts that break tab-completion so
you can't autocomplete filenames anymore where a filename is actually
expected).  What about midnight commander? The only file manager I could
tolerate back in the old DOS days was Norton Commander, which MC was
modelled after. You might like it. Maybe. (But I haven't really used it
that much since I came to do things purely in the shell instead, as the
shell can handle just about everything MC can, and much more. DOS was a
cartoon caricature of what a *real* shell can do, by comparison, so NC
was quite the relief from the suffering when using DOS. But on a
full-fledged shell, MC kinda loses that necessity. So you may or may not
find MC that much better after all. YMMV, caveat emptor, etc., apply.)

Or, failing that, you could write a killer file manager app in D, and we
could take over the world. :-P


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