[OT] Which IDE / Editor do you use?

Atila Neves atila.neves at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 05:31:59 PDT 2013

I don't get posts like this. If you just install emacs and don't 
customise it, then yeah, it's not great. But that's like harshing 
on zsh for being worse than bash with an empty .zshrc. Who does 
that anyway? This is why there are several, several .emacs.d 
repositories on github. Anyway, on to your qualms:

> - Semantic refactoring

I wish I had this for C++, I really do. There's some work being 
done right now at Google based on LLVM. But I most definitely do 
have that for Python with Rope and I've been wanting to install 
Robe to have the same for Ruby. All of this in emacs BTW.

> - WYSIWYG design of user interfaces

I'd rather see the code, but to each his/her own.

> - code navigation, even across binary modules (call graph, 
> derived class, overridden methods, call sites, ...)

Emacs + one or more of the following: ctags, etags, semantic, 

> - graphical representation of code relationships

Not interesting to me.

> - UML design


> - visual XML tooling

Not interesting to me.

> - background compilation showing where there are issues
> - background static analysis while coding

Emacs + flycheck. Supporting ever more languages, and D is one of 

> - code completation with documentation popups

Emacs + autocomplete.

> - integrate source code control with task management software 
> to track code changes to project tasks

Emacs... but I'd rather use the "real" commands in a terminal.

> - map failed unit tests to code lines

I'm pretty sure this can be integrated in emacs since this is 
already done if you compile in it.

All in all, use what you're most comfortable and productive with. 
Nearly every single time I read/hear "oh, but editors can't do X" 
it usually means "I've never seen anyone do X with an editor". 
Emacs is basically a mini OS anyway. Anything it can't do now can 
be made to happen by writing more elisp.


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