Had another 48hr game jam this weekend...

PauloPinto pjmlp at progtools.org
Tue Sep 17 07:33:13 PDT 2013

On Tuesday, 17 September 2013 at 13:46:43 UTC, Bruno Medeiros 
> On 17/09/2013 07:24, Manu wrote:
>>        I closed about half my open tabs after my last email 
>> (~50 left
>>        open). Down
>>        to 93mb. You must all use some heavy plugins or 
>> something.
>>        My current solution has 10 projects, one is an entire 
>> game
>>        engine with over
>>        500 source files, hundreds of thousands of LOC. 
>> Intellisense
>>        info for all
>>        of it... dunno what to tell you.
>>        Eclipse uses more than 4 times that much memory idling 
>> with no
>>        project open
>>        at all...
>>    4 times ? You must have a pretty light instance of eclipse !
>> It's a fairly fresh eclipse install, and I just boot it up. It 
>> showed
>> the home screen, no project loaded. It was doing absolutely 
>> nothing and
>> well into 400mb.
>> When I do use it for android and appengine, it more or less 
>> works well
>> enough, but the UI feels like it's held together with 
>> stickytape and
>> glue, and it's pretty sluggish. Debugging (native code) is 
>> slow and
>> clunky. How can I take that software seriously?
>> I probably waste significant portion of my life hovering and 
>> waiting for
>> eclipse to render the pop-up variable inspection windows. That 
>> shit
>> needs to be instant, no excuse. It's just showing a value from 
>> ram.
>> Then I press a key, it doesn't take ages for the letter to 
>> appear on the
>> screen...
> Android and Appengine?
> There are two flaws in that comparison, the first is that 
> apparently you are comparing an Eclipse installation with a lot 
> more tools than your VS installation (which I'm guessing has 
> only C++ tools, perhaps some VCS tools too?). No wonder the 
> footprint is bigger. For example, my Eclipse instance with only 
> DDT and Git installed, and opened on a workspace with D 
> projects takes up 130Mb:
> http://i.imgur.com/VmKzrRU.png
> With the recommend JVM memory settings (see 
> http://code.google.com/p/ddt/wiki/UserGuide#Eclipse_basics ), 
> the usage in that startup scenario goes up to 180Mb.
> But even so that is not a fair comparison, the second flaw here 
> is that Eclipse is running on a VM, and is not actually using 
> all the memory that is taken from the OS.
> If you wanna see how much memory the Java application itself is 
> using for its data structures, you have to use a tool like 
> jconsole (included in the JDK) to check out JVM stats. For 
> example, in the DDT scenario above, after startup the whole of 
> Eclipse is just using just 40Mb for the Java heap:
> http://i.imgur.com/yCPtS52.png

VS is also running in a VM as it is mostly a C# application 
nowadays, since the WPF rewrite done to 2010.


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