[OT] Which IDE / Editor do you use?

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at gmail.com
Fri Sep 20 06:53:38 PDT 2013

On Friday, 20 September 2013 at 12:16:39 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> There is no argument here, actually. The problem is really 
> historical -- names like 'du' or 'grep' or 'awk' meant
> something back in who knows  when, but they no longer mean
> anything to us today (well, those of us not old enough *cough*).

heh, though if you're inundated enough, these words take on a 
meaning of their own.

One time, I said "kill(1) the process" then went on to explain 
what kill is... and a person replied "you don't have to be so 
condescending, we know what kill means."

But, when writing it, I was still thinking kill is this foreign 
language and thus needed a definition for the newbies, in the 
same sense that grep would. I forgot 'kill' has a perfectly 
relevant meaning in everyday English....

Though I probably could have defended myself by retorting with 
kill -HUP. No, that doesn't terminate it, that makes it reread 
its configuration file. See, kill(1) just sends a signal. What's 
HUP mean? Hang up! It is sent when your terminal disconnects 
because that was literally hanging up the phone back in the day.

"but then why does that make it reread its config file"


> 	diskUsage $HOME | sort --reverse --numeric | pager

starting to look like Microsoft Powershell!

Interestingly though, powershell offers a lot of short, unix 
style aliases though. They know our habits can be hard to break.

> Uh... you do realize that this is because Linux actually *lets* 
> you fix things?

so does Windows.... it is different, things like safe mode or the 
recovery console, but you can do it if you know how.

Though Windows takes more care to avoid these mistakes in the 
first place too.

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