Debugging support for D - wiki

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+dng at
Thu Sep 26 05:30:41 PDT 2013

On 26/09/2013 09:06, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
> I'm not that pessimistic. Every decent debugger on Windows understands
> PDB as there are standard libraries to use them. I guess they can be
> used (after conveting debug information with cv2pdb for win32) as much
> as Visual Studio. The visualization addons are specific to VS, though.

True, but using those debugging libraries under Java might not be 
feasible (if they are C# for example), or too much hard work to 
interface (if they are C/C++ based for example). The ideal interface is 
a command-line debugger that can be controlled with some IPC interface 
(stdin/stdout or plain sockets), like GDB and others.
I wonder if any decent PDB debuggers support that (and are free). (I 
haven't looked into that, as for the moment I will focus on GDB support 

Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer

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