privates and private import

ketmar ketmar at
Wed Apr 2 01:49:49 PDT 2014

in the way of changing my code to use table lookups i wrote this:

private immutable bool[256] cc_specialChars =
   iota(0, 0x100)
   .map!(i => i <= 32 || i == '"' || i == '\\' || i == ';' || i == 
'#' || i == 127)

and got compilation error: function 
iv.cmdcon.__lambda34!int.__lambda34 is not accessible from module 

i perfectly understand why compiler complains, but i think that 
this restriction can be weakened a little for modules, imported 
as 'private import modname'. i.e. if  importing like this:

private import std.algorithm;

std.algorithm should have full acces to private vars from the 
current module. this will not break existing code (i think) and 
will allow to avoid copypasting.

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