gdc 2.064.2 in next Ubuntu LTS

Joseph Rushton Wakeling joseph.wakeling at
Sun Apr 13 15:19:13 PDT 2014

On 13/04/14 13:22, Iain Buclaw wrote:
> The next Ubuntu LTS release will include gdc-4.8 using the D 2.064.2 frontend,
> and I do not plan to push in any updates other than bug fixes.  This may be
> important to bear in mind, as there may be users who choose to use gdc (I hope
> they do) and may develop using this version of D for the next six months, two
> years, or maybe six years depending on how conservative they are.
> Oh, and gdc should be coming to ARM in this release too.  :)

Thanks and congratulations, Iain.  That's great news to hear. :-)

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