Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Wed Apr 16 01:58:32 PDT 2014

On Monday, April 14, 2014 20:47:06 Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> Another flurry of bounces floated through today (which I handled by removing
> the suspensions,  again).  The only practical choice is a fairly intrusive
> one.  I've enabled the from_is_list option, meaning that the 'from' address
> from mail originating through the list will be different.  I have no idea
> how well or badly this will work out, but it's that or stop the mail/news
> gateway which is an even worse option.  I've set the mailman from_is_list
> option to 'wrap_message'.  This will likely be the first message through
> the list with that option set, so we'll see how it works out.
> I've done this for only the digitalmars.d list so far, but if it works well
> enough, I'll make the  same change to every list.
> If any of you work at yahoo, would you please visit whatever team is
> responsible for deciding to  cause this world of pain and thank them for
> me?

Yikes. This is making it much harder to read what comes from who what with 
"via Digitalmars-d" tacked onto the end of everyone's name. Bleh. The guys at 
Yahoo are definitely making life harder for the rest of us.

- Jonathan M Davis

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