DIP60: @nogc attribute

via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Apr 21 14:06:35 PDT 2014

On Monday, 21 April 2014 at 20:29:46 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
> example he gives (and I agree with him) is iOS. Just look at 
> the success of iOS, where the entire OS API is based on ARC 
> (actually RC, with an option for both ARC and manual, but the 
> latter is going away). If ARC was "so bad", the iOS experience 
> would show it. You may have doubts, but I can assure you I can 
> build very robust and performant code with ARC in iOS.

I am sure you are right about the last part, but the entire iOS 
API is not based on ARC.

You only use Objective-C to obtain contexts and configure them. 
After that you do everything performance sensitive in pure C. 
That goes for everything from Quartz (which is C, not 
Objective-C), OpenGL (C, not Objective-C) to AudioUnits (C, not 

What is true is that you have bridges between manual ref counting 
where it exists in Core Foundation and Foundation, but just 
because you have a counter does not mean that you use it. ;-)

> It's pretty pervasive on iOS. ARC has been around since iOS 4.3 
> (circa 2011).

Not if you are doing systems level programming. You are talking 
about application level programming and on that level it is 
pervasive, but iOS apps have advanced rendering-engines to rely 
on for audio/video.

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