Crazy code by Adam on SO

Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Fri Aug 29 10:37:00 PDT 2014

On Friday, 29 August 2014 at 17:29:34 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
> The code figures out which signals to send to which delegates
> *at runtime*. The way this is done is to use the .mangleof of
> the struct's type as key to an AA

I think there might be an easier way to do this too: cast(size_t) 
typeid(T). That'd be a unique integer for each type too that 
could be passed through the pipe... IIRC the reason I went with 
the mangle hash though was to work across processes, where the 
TypeInfo pointer might not as reliable (my rpc.d file works more 
in that direction but I can't recall if I actually finished it or 

BTW that eventloop thing uses malloc/free now whereas in the 
first draft it used the GC. Why? While the pointer was sitting in 
the kernel pipe buffer, the GC would sometimes collect it, 
causing random crashes. Just because the pointer hasn't left the 
program entirely doesn't mean the GC can still see it! I think I 
wrote this story in my book too in one of those little info boxes.

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